
Writing errors I've seen in Lichess forums!

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Let's Shadow the forums! PS: I don't've numbers on how many times I've seen these, so this blog's probably useless. Yay!

Using Parenthesis instead of Square Brackets:

When inserting something into a quote, use Square Brackets, not Parenthesis. Inserted content comes from the writer, not the quoted.

Incorrect: 'I hate when people say, “(Insert a bad opening here) isn't bad; you're not playing it right!'“

Correct: 'I hate when people say, “[Insert a bad opening here] isn't bad; you're not playing it right!'“

Using the Semicolon incorrectly:

Don't use a Semicolon after a statement that's explained or expanded upon preceding it. Use a Colon.

Incorrect: 'I drew something today; Rick Astley.'

Correct: 'I drew something today: Rick Astley.'

Using an s after an Apostrophe when incorrect:

When indicating possession, don't use an s after an Apostrophe at the end of words that end with an s.

Incorrect: 'My sis's dog's cute.'

Correct: 'My sis' dog's cute.'

Using a Hyphen instead of an Em Dash:

When interrupting a sentence, use an Em Dash, not a Hyphen.

Incorrect: 'Rick Astley-his Rickrolls readying fire-looked ready to Rickroll.'

Correct: 'Rick Astley—his Rickrolls readying fire—looked ready to Rickroll.'