
Stuff for beginners

ChessOver the board
All the stuff beginners need to know about chess.

The board of chess

This is what it currently looks like -
The chess board has 64 squares, 32 squares are white while the other 32 are black/brown

The pieces ( NUMBERS )

There are 32 pieces on a board
16 are white and 16 are black

The pieces

The pawn -

The pawn is a small piece that can only move forward one square but can move twice or once in its first move -
When pawns reach the end of the board, they can Promote into a Queen, Rook, Bishop, and Knight which you will see later in this blog.
They also capture diagonally up one square

The knight

The knight is a horse looking piece but it has special capabilities that no other piece can do
The knight moves in a L shape and it can JUMP over pieces
This piece is very good in closed positions ( Like if there are many pawns on board )

The bishop

The bishop is a DIAGONAL moving piece
When there is open space, these bishops are very good.

The rook

The rook is a Horizontal and Vertical moving piece
Its mostly used in end games ( When there are not many pieces on board )

The queen

The queen

Its moves are combined with a Bishop and Rook together

The king

The king is the most important piece on each side
If the king loses, the whole team does
The king moves like a queen, but one square for a move

The ranks and files

You might have seen for rook I said Horizontal and Vertical
But in chess terms
Horizontal is called a rank
Vertical is called a file

The value/points of the pieces

The points of each piece, to know how much MATERIAl you are up

Pawn - 1 point
Knight - 3 points
Bishop - 3 points
Rook - 5 points
Queen - 9 points
King - 0 points


gonna be updated ( im gonna take a nap


There are 2 different types of mates ( Or in simple terms: endings ) in chess

Checkmate ( To your opponent ) - When the opponent king is checked and the opponents king cannot block it, capture the attacker, or move to another square, it is called a checkmate

Checkmate ( To you ) - When your king is checked and your king cannot block it, capture the attacker, or move to another square, it is called a checkmate

Stalemate ( To your opponent ) - When the opponent king is not checked but cannot move to any square or it cannot move any other piece/it does not have any other piece, it is called a stalemate

Stalemate ( To you ) - When your king is not checked but cannot move to any square or it cannot move any other piece/it does not have any other piece, it is called a stalemate