
Chess Strategy

Chess Strategy - 4 Key Concepts to Learn

1.Why Is Strategy Important?

There is a famous saying that points out that "chess is 99% tactics." If that is true, why is studying strategy so important?

Although tactics can indeed define a game's outcome, good strategic play creates the opportunity for tactical shots in the first place. You can look at strategy as the breeding ground for tactics.

According to the renowned Chinese general Sun Tzu, "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." Indeed, relying solely on your opponent falling for a tactical shot might work well for beginners but is a losing approach for more advanced players.

2.What Is Strategy In Chess?

Chess strategy is the purposeful attempt to gain an advantage over your opponent. Unlike tactics, chess strategy involves long-term goals, usually related to king safety, pawn structure, space, piece activity,and many more.

3.Basic Strategic Concepts
A.Material Count
B.Piece Activity
C.Pawn Structure
E.King Safety


You now know what chess strategy is and how it can help you play better and win more games. Head over to our Lessons page and learn even more about critical strategic concepts.