
A 2 player chaturaji chess variant on

LichessChess variant
2 player chaturaji chess variant

Hello readers, I am RUHAN. I've just made a chess variant using the lichess board editor, so i wanted to share it to all by this blog post.

Variant: 2 player chaturaji

Chaturaji variant is at and its the oldest indian 4 player chess variant. I made it as a 2 player with white and black arranged as in the pieces are arranged in chaturaji.
The original chaturanji chess
The Original Chaturaji chess variant

The 2 player chaturaji chess i made


Rules are the same rules of the Original Chaturaji chess but only 2 players. You can search the web for the rules. or Click.

Final words

FEN = 4kbnr/4pppp/8/8/8/8/PPPP4/RNBK4 w - - 0 1
You can use this fen to insert in from position while sending challenges, by clicking on play with friend or by clicking play with the computer(stockfish).
Thanks for reading my blog and have a nice day!!
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