
Intro to Chess

ChessPuzzleOver the boardStrategyTactics
Hi! Are you a noob at chess? Read this, and you'll be a master!

Hey! I'm Rhythm. As nooby as I may seem, I've made three accounts, so rethink that thought. First, friend me, @SAMARTHLIGHTNING , @LarryTongZhang and @TheChessGame2022 so you'll be top-notch!

So. You say "Ooh, I can't beat the easiest guy in my class, I'm sooooo nooby!" (sry if that sounds insulting). But you don't know that this very blog post you are reading is filled with information to beat the hardest kid! Unless he's a master. So enough chitchat! Let's ROLL!

Tactic no.1: As my coach said, it's always important to check your games. Request an analysis. Try to see the best moves. I swear you'll get stronger studying like that. Or, the next best possible answer is to do puzzles! There are infinite puzzles on Lichess, and they're all free! If you hover over "Puzzles", you'll see "Puzzle Dashboard". Quickly click on that and go to "Improvement areas". I think the best way, if you have not done any puzzles in your Lichess account life, is to instead click on "Puzzles" or "Puzzle Themes". I recommend about 2-3 of all the tactics there. I also recommend starting at normal, if you're not getting what the lesson is trying to teach you, and after you got normal, then go to harder, then hardest. Also, try looking at playing with bots. Make a position like the one that you are working on, and then play it with the Level 5 bot.
Tactic no.2: Look all over the board. This doesn't just let you see your opponent's attack, it helps you look for checks, mates, threats, and captures.
Tactic no.3: If your opponent plays a weird move, then you can try to be in your opponents shoes, to see what they are plotting, then try to stop it (Note: If the move they play is forced to win material, or mate, you must accept that.)!
Tactic no.4: Use tactics to get material.
Tactic no.5: Try to pawn storm.
Tactic no.6:The more material, the easier to mate.

This was very long, but read through it! Soon, you'll be the best!