
New Year's Composition Tournament

TL:DR - A composition tournament is happening right now. Submit any type of composition(studies, moremoves,) but no fairy problems to MrPushwood, Ben2006Tor or my inbox by the 28th of January.

Hi everyone! I'm announcing a New Year composition tournament judged by me, Ben2006Tor, and MrPushwood.

What can I submit?

Anything(except fairy problems). This includes endgame studies, moremovers, retros, helpmates, selfmates. Obviously, tactics puzzles don't count.


Until the 28th of January. The results will be announced a week after all submissions are in.


Submit to any of our inboxes. Don't post it in the forums(contestants aren't allowed to see other contestants studies, after all.)


We will be giving out a first place, a second place and a third place prize. We'll also award a honorable mention. No actual prizes, just the fun of seeing fellow compositions and you having a go at composing(which is pretty fun).

Thanks for taking time to read this blog!