
Complaint about the closure of my account

Why is my account closed without reasonable reason? Please open my account
A new player challenged me and was very interested in playing with me, I accepted and once they were able to beat me, but in one of the games they made a big mistake and got checkmate within 5 or 6 moves and the game ended early. I came to play today and found out that my account has been closed. What is the reason for this? With more investigations, you will find out that this was the only suspicious game I played and it was attributed to cheating. The only suspicious game I played was this one. I am completely against cheating. In order to get something, you have to work for it. I play chess with great interest and have spent a lot of time on the Leches site, and after all the efforts of the Leches admins without a logical reason and the existence of a suspicious game that was due to the low level of the opponent. Please reconsider and open my account, thanks.