
what to do when you’re losing?

give up? resign? or...

The title says it all, what to do when you’re losing? should you resign? should you keep playing? should you make a draw offer and hope you’re opponent accepts? well it depends on the situation,but don’t choose the third option,that’s just bad sportsmanship.

when to resign

Rarely (10%) resign is the best choice, here are the following details of when to resign

1.In a tournament. there is no need to play in a losing position,you’re just wasting time of playing the next game and earn points!
2.In devastating positions. you can resign if it is mate in 5- or down too much material.
3.The position makes you uncomfortable.

when to keep playing

Normally The right choice is you have to keep playing! here are the following details of when to keep playing

1.when is the position still has hope. if the position isn’t dead lost then you shouldn’t resign! everybody makes mistakes! maybe your opponent will make a mistake back!!!
2.when your opponent is low on Time. when your opponent is low on time then you will have a chance to win by time out! keep making threats and checks to confuse your opponent!
3.when it is the end game. in the end game sometimes even up lots and lots of material could lead to a draw!! like this position!
1.Nc4+ ... 2.Nxb2!! Nxb2 1/2–1/2 even though White is down a Knight and a pawn, he is able to draw! because 2 Knights can’t give checkmate!!
4.when the position is closed. when the position is closed you can make a fortress that way your opponent can’t break in!!

what to do when you’re losing

Now we figured it out should we resign? now we are going to focus on what to do? here are the following details what to do when you’re losing
1.keep the position closed. as mentioned before you can make a fortress, but be sure that the opponent doesn’t have any way to break the fortress
2.use tactics. this is a little important because if you use tactics then you may even win the piece (position) back!!
3.Open the enemies king. no open the enemies king you force the enemy to defend that way you can be aggressive,you may win the piece back or even give Checkmate!!!
4.gain space. well Think about it:if you have less pieces then the pieces won’t need much space but your opponents pieces need more space so you have to gain all the space to stop your opponent gaining space! but be careful,it is easier said than done.
*5*.make The position complex. this is the MOST important one so I drew a asterisk on it,you have to make The position complexed the more complex the better,this has lots of benefits:
(1.) when you complex The position you make your opponent to think more that way you can gain a advantage on the clock.
(2.) when you make things complex you make your opponent have many options,that way your opponent will be confused and may pick the wrong move.
(3.) When you complex things around the opponents king then this is bad news for your opponent because if he doesn’t pick the right move then checkmate!!!


Well that’s it we reached the end of this blog! I hope you enjoyed it I also hope you learned some psychological factor knowledge! bye everyone see you in my next blog! oh and one more thing:

Never give up!