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there are a lot of mistakes out there when it comes to drawing I`m no pro but I can tell you some of my best knowledge.

now listen the first tip is simple but alot of people subconsouly mess up by making there drawings HALF 2D HALF 3D!!!! This is a HUGE comon mess up in terms of perspective.To fix this problem in your drawings all you have to do is look at your idea,first find the best perspective that you prefer DON'T say half way through "Oh this would make it nicer" NO if you change your angle of perspective it could most of the time mess with your result.

You know whats even worse? is when pepole take thare perfect sketch that has a perfect perspective , but its not quite finished and say "O crap I messed up,now I have to restart," or If a project is a bit hard they say " O dang I GIVE UP," NO, even if at the time it seems hard Don't ever give up unless you realy conseder the outcome and determine its hopless. Even then don't feel down about it, you can always do a diferant drawing.Even try somthing else for a while like a martial art ,an then when you come back you see drawing from a different veiw as something more beutifull.And you will understand it more.

now this is the BIG one coloring a drawing thats not suppost to be colored. Know you might be wondering " what the heck does this guy mean by not suppost to be colored". Well i'll tell you what I mean.I mean that sometimes a drawing is good but your considering coloring it and you use something permenant beacase your 99.9% sure it will look good but it looks like someone tried to paint a arse or something.So what I guess im trying to say is realy consieder coloring what I like to do is even print it in a machine and color the copy that realy helps.HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY FIRST BLOG YOURS SINCERLY Noodlezzz750 ;) PS(if you want to read more about art and writing reading or drawing go to @DukeGusGold ACC.