
Proposing Incremental Change: Crazyhouse Revolutions Tournament #2

TournamentLichessChess variant
10 suggestions for the ZH Revolutions Tournament (#2 will AMAZE you)

First, my apologies for the Buzzfeed-inspired intro, but here I am a lonely chess blogger competing for your attention; pitted unfairly against opponents such as deepfakes, models with/without swimsuits, and actually playing chess - I knew I needed an edge.

At any rate, I enjoyed the ZH revolutions tournament yesterday immensely, but wanted to offer one discussion point. In reflecting on the timer and increment used (3/0) over the course of the day I began to think that berserking removes a player's increment, the penalty for berserking effectively changes in severity depending upon time structure. More specifically, the harshness of the penalty for berserking is proportional to some function of the ratio between the initial time and the increment.

Penalty for Berserking ~ ( f( Per move time increment ÷ Starting Clock time ) + 1 ) ^-1

On the whole, the smaller the ratio of time increment to Starting time, the more the tournament favors stronger players, as they benefit relatively more from a decrease in the severity of the penalty for berserking.

Yesterday, the timer was set to 3/0. Over the course of the day, I found myself thinking that, over so many games, while a 3/2 format would severely penalize the berserking player (perhaps too much) an intermediate increment (e.g., 3/1) might have struck a better balance than the 3/0 structure.

One last point: I attempted to fetch data (via tools --> advanced --> query), to quanitfy the relative change in berserking penalty as a function of the ratio above, but there is no filter for berserked games.

What do you think?