...or so I think

Why I decided to start writing...

Off topic
Warning: Title may be clickbait-y.

Admittedly, this is not something I have been considering for a long time. It was only about an hour ago that I decided I want to write something. So yes, I do not know how long I will be doing this.

The truth is I am bored out of my mind— something I have always successfully remedied with some bullet games. And because my recent chess performance is hindered by my compromised setup (yet another chess player willing to go to a multitude of excuses before questioning his own skill) I have no urge to partake in any further of my demise.

I will be retreating from battle and will avoid any adversaries, at least for now...

What's next for me?

Well for the time being, I will have to agree with Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The pen is mightier than the sword

Oo, sooo gory!
Or a pencil rather, if you're familiar with John Wick ;)