

My Early New Year's Chess Resolutions

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I hope I achieve all these things next year!


Hi guys, welcome to my second blog! I hope you enjoy reading all the resolutions I put in here! Happy reading!

Resolution 1: Become a Master

I have been wanting to be a master ever since I started playing. To achieve this goal, I have created a schedule to do everyday. The schedule contains: One hour of rapid games, One hour and twenty games of blitz and bullet, Thirty minutes of watching and analyzing master games, Thirty minutes of puzzles, Thirty minutes of studying openings and endgames, and finally the chess homework I get from my chess class. please tell me in the comments if this is a good schedule or not and if I should add anything to it.

Resolution 2: Get better at Knight Endgames

So far, I have not been that good at knight endgames. I try to get better at this by practicing this in my schedule of the opening and endgames everyday. Whenever I go to a chess tournament, I always get frightened when I go to a knight endgame. If I get lucky, then I might be able to swindle the game. But once, I lost a dead drawn endgame in a tournament. Here is the link to the position: (I was white). Please give me advice of how to get better.

Resolution 3: Get Better at Puzzle Rush

I have always been good at puzzle rush in For those who don't know, puzzle rush is a series of puzzles launching at you when you solve one puzzle. the puzzles get get harder each time you solve one. To put it in simple words, It's basically like puzzle storm on Whenever I play puzzle rush right now, I get scores twenty to twenty-five. I used to get thirty-five to forty on my scores. I don't know what happened so it would be helpful if you tell me how to get back in the comments.

Resolution 4: Take Time to Think in OTB

This has always been a problem for me. (By the way, OTB stands for "over the board"). I am really sure what the problem is. I think the problem is that I played way too much bullet and ultra-bullet. If you go to my profile in, you can see that I have played over six thousand games of bullet and ultra-bullet together in alone. Now whenever I go to a OTB tournament, I blitz out my moves and blunder quickly. Please give me advice to stop playing so much fast games.

Resolution 5: Stop Getting Distracted

This is one of the most important resolutions I have. I get distracted really easily. Once in fifth grade, my teacher told us to do the math problem: three fourths plus seven eighths. The answer would have easily been twelve eighths in improper fractions but I noticed that my friends where making paper cranes so I joined them and totally missed the problem. In chess, when I go to a tournament, I get distracted from the board next to me and I don't have time to think in my own game. Please give me some advice to not get distracted.


Thank you everyone for reading my second blog and I really hope you guys would give me really useful advice in the comments! See you guys next time!