Lichess Game of the Month: June 23

Lichess Game of the Month: June 23

Outstanding checkmate to win!

To checkmate your opponent with an army of pawns is quite unusual - @flatfish discovered an interesting queen sacrifice during the game, which ultimately ended in an unusual mating net.

By July 7th, several of your best games of May were shared via our forum post, via Mastodon, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Telegram.

Final voting - Lichess Game of the Month June

Our team carefully checked each of your suggested games the day after and invited you to vote for the Game of the Month between the following four games:

Final voting between the best four games selected by the Lichess team

Final voting - Game 1) @sadisticTushi vs. @Bunny_GM
Final voting - Game 2) @rajesh_1464 vs. @flatfish
Final voting - Game 3) @Prisoner_627 vs. @F-POPOWSKI-1762
Final voting - Game 4) @QueenRosieMary vs. @SEldredg
(see all games in the study below)

You voted as follows across all our social media platforms:

Final voting - Lichess Game of the Month May

And the winner is: @flatfish !

Lichess moderator FM Jens Hirneise alias jeffforever took a deeper look into the brilliant game:

We will announce the voting for the next Game of the Month July today.
Conditions to submit your Game of the Month July: Only standard games (no variants), only submit one game per user (additional games will be ignored), and must have been played July!
Stay tuned to our forums or any of our socials for the next announcement.

Edit: You can now submit your games for July in this forum thread.

Final voting will be replaced by Lichess team decision

Due to possible vote manipulations in the final voting by multiple accounts in the forums and on all our social platforms, in the future the Lichess team will decide the winner directly, thank you.

How did you like the Game of the Month and the contest itself? Let us know in the comments.

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All operating costs, development, and content are funded solely by user donations.