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"The Game of the Century"

ChessTacticsAnalysisChess PersonalitiesStrategy
Donald Byrne vs Bobby Fischer - Marshall Chess Club, New York, 1956

Hi all

This was an amazing game played by the 13-year-old future World champion Bobby Fischer played against Donald Byrne in the Rosenwald Memorial Tournament at the Marshall Chess Club in New York City on October 17th, 1956.

Fischer to play with the black pieces here:

Fischer to play here:

Final position

I have video annotated the game here:

Takeaway points from this game

  • It is good to try and castle early
  • Moving the same piece twice can lead to the King being delayed in castling
  • Trying to get a bind on the position with the King in the center can drastically backfire. It is a subtle form of "active operations" even if it has positional intent. Such operations should be left usually after castling.
  • The philosophy "Put yourself beyond defeat before going onto the attack" is ignored by Byrne - in chess terms, this translates into "Develop pieces, put King into safety, and only then think about active operations"
  • The forcing moves of chess can transform positions brutally to expose downsides
  • If your King is left in the center too long, the potential for brutal forcing moves goes up

Hope you enjoyed this blog :). Any likes and follows are really appreciated. Also, I also have some interesting chess courses at to check out.

Cheers, K