Two cute dogs with a strange chess board

The Caro-Kann defence is the new Sicilian Defence

The Caro-Kann defence as well as requiring less theory to learn has great win statistics with Black

Hi all

I would like to share some interesting findings and insights for the Caro-Kann defence with this blog. Some of the game analysis here is part of the research work from recent weeks in constructing a new course repertoire for black vs 1.e4.

Originating name of Caro-Kann

The Caro-Kann defence was named after Horatio Caro, and Marcus Kann. They each played some really interesting games in their time. Here are a couple of notable games from each of them:

Horatio Caro taking down the World chess champion Emanual Lasker in a spectacularly short game - Qc8 is "well dodgy!" :

And here is Marcus Kann crushing Jaques Mieses with a beautiful double-pin-based tactic:

As part of creating a new course for a complete repertoire for Black against 1.e4, I have been researching the Caro-Kann defense in recent weeks. I have put together an interesting repertoire that shows some interesting Grandmaster-approved sidelines.

The "Repertoire" does not always follow the "Main lines" but fashion in chess changes and the sidelines may one day become the "Main lines", especially at OTB chess time controls which takes time to catch up to trends in online chess sometimes.

Main line with Nf6 and exf6 is becoming a new main line

A classic game with Duras in 1908 started with exf6:

But this line is now hugely popular. According to lichess within the 2200+ rating range it is the most popular choice instead of Bf5 which is the Over-the-board "Main Line". Switching between the masters database and lichess database shows this anomaly if you set the Lichess databases to 2000,2200,2500 players for blitz and Rapid.

Advance Variation powerful sideline "Arkell-Khenkin" line in more recent times or "Botvinnik-Carls" is the traditional name

Wow g5! I thought Keith was more of an endgame player! This is a really juicy dynamic attacking game after g5 :) Check out the amazing game Greet vs Arkell with the above.

Exchange variation - Panov Botvinnik attack

Here is an amazing game played by Turov:

Exchange variation - Bd3 line

Here is a great game by GM Tony Miles

Video annotations of other parts of the repertoire Kingscrusher

You can see a video promo video of the Course I just released here to get an idea of the proposed repertoire:

ChatGPT when asked about the benefits of the Caro-Kann defence

Question: "What are the main benefits of playing the Caro-Kann defence?" posed to ChatGPT version 13 Feb 2023:

"There are several benefits of playing the Caro-Kann defense:

  1. Solidity: The Caro-Kann is a very solid opening, providing a solid pawn structure that is not easy to undermine. This means that it can be difficult for your opponent to launch a successful attack against you, and you will have a stable position to work with.
  2. Counterattacking opportunities: While the Caro-Kann is a solid defense, it also provides opportunities for counterattacks. By controlling the center and developing your pieces quickly, you can create opportunities for tactical strikes against your opponent's position.
  3. Flexibility: The Caro-Kann can be played in several different ways, depending on your playing style and preferences. For example, you can play the classical variation, the advanced variation, or the exchange variation. This allows you to tailor your opening repertoire to your strengths and the positions you are most comfortable playing.
  4. Less theory to learn: Compared to other openings like the Sicilian or the Ruy Lopez, the Caro-Kann involves less theory to learn. This means that you can spend more time on other aspects of your game, such as tactics, strategy, and endgame skills.
  5. Surprise factor: Because the Caro-Kann is not as popular as some other openings, your opponent may not be as familiar with the lines and variations. This can give you a surprise factor and allow you to catch your opponent off guard.

Overall, the Caro-Kann is a solid and flexible opening that can provide a good balance between defense and counterattack. It is particularly well-suited to players who prefer a positional and strategic style of play.

Kingscrusher agrees - these are all great points by ChatGPT probably based on the patterns it finds for content online recently.

Key Takeaway points

  • The Caro-Kann is a dynamic exciting opening you can use against 1.e4 to play for the win
  • The reputation for the Caro-Kann as being solid and boring may not be the whole picture depending on the variations you choose
  • The Arkell/Khenkin line in the advance is a real "theory-cutter" reducing the weight of opening theory needed as opposed to the mainline Bf5 move
  • The main line with Nf6 and exf6 is very interesting for creating dynamic imbalanced positions

I hope you enjoyed this blog :). Any likes and follows are really appreciated. Also, I also have some interesting chess courses at to check out.
Cheers, K