
New FIDE Titles...

ChessChess Personalities
Brand New FIDE Titles Incoming...


The GM title was invented in 1950 by FIDE and the requirements needed to acquire this prestigious title is a minimum ELO chess rating of 2500 and 3 norms but since then times have changed and many exceptional players like Magnus Carlsen and Garry Kasparov and surpassed the required ELO by 200+ and is it really fair for such incredible players such as themselves to share the same title as players much less skilled than them? That is why I propose the idea that a new title should be put into place to seperate amazing chess players from godly chess players.

The Ideas

I propose........ The Super Grandmaster Title! To acquire this title , one must reach a minimum ELO chess rating of 2700 and 5 norms. Currently , there are 2000 Grandmasters however only 133 players have ever broke the 2700 Elo Mark. This would make the very top Grandmasters feel even more special and proud of their hours of memorising theory and practicing puzzles.

Finally , I present to you... the Godmaster Title. To acquire this title , one must reach a minimum ELO of 2850 , 5 norms and must have become World Champion.Up to 29th March 2024 (when this blog is being written) , only 2 people in the history of chess - a 1500 year game - have accomplished this breath-taking feat and these two incredible human beings are no other than Magnus Carlsen and Garry Kasparov