Wesley So at the World Chess Olympiad

Wesley So's Brilliant Tactic!!

Do you think you would have played 18...e4?

Currently, the 44th Chess Olympiad is being held in Chennai, India, from Thursday 28th July to Wednesday 10th August 2022 (ending quite soon!). This blog post will take a look at top player Wesley So's brilliant move in round 7. For those who don't know, Wesley So is the 3rd highest rated player in the USA, at 2773 rating and 7th in the world (at the time of writing this blog post).

First, try find the iconic brilliant move of the game and the follow-up!

Puzzle 2: another brilliant move!

This one is probably a bit easier, as you know this is also a puzzle

The rest of the game

Whether you think you found the move or not, see the rest of the game and the other amazing moves Wesley found! A continuation for if the sacrifices in the above puzzles have been included.

This was my first blog post, and I hope you enjoyed reading and trying to solve the puzzles :D
Thank you for reading this post!