
How feel alone a single pieces in chess game

ChessPuzzleOver the boardLichessOff topic
Chess story


Many people say that chess is a game of two people which is correct but not technically
In the game play two people it’s a 32 piece and play like a team.

Every pieces should given different role in the game and they have special talent they can move different than another move .also pawn because every pawn has a different role lets say about weak pawn (F2 or F7 pawn)

A single queen or a single pawn can not do checkmate they need some support to another piece to do checkmate and it’s call team effort .

For an example let’s say about story of our school days when the one person getting punishment they feel lonely and sad But when punish with many people will not like punishment it’s like game and we all enjoy the punishment .When we are team punishment is easy to do and we are alone punishment is very hard.