CM HanSchut's Blog

Hiarcs Chess Explorer Pro 1.4 versus ChessBase 18
A detailed side-by -side comparison of Hiarcs Chess Explorer Pro and ChessBase
Improve your chess by focusing on Skills and Habits
Using Root Cause Analysis to build new Skills and change bad Habits
Are you training to raise your ceiling or floor?
What is limiting your overall chess performance, your ceiling or floor?
How I use with Lichess, Chessable, Forward Chess and ChessBase can be used for so much more than scanning and analyzing positions
Broadcasts and Puzzle Streak now available in the Lichess iOS beta app
Watch the Broadcast of OTB tournaments in the Lichess Beta app using Apple TestFlight
The Steps Method for learning and teaching chess
A comprehensive chess curriculum for novice to master rooted in strong didactic principles
Finally, there is a ChessBase alternative: Hiarcs Chess Explorer Pro
A review of Hiarcs Chess Explorer Pro
Book Review: Improve Your Chess Calculation by RB Ramesh
Indian top coach Ramesh RB helps you to develop your calculation skills and graciously shares his wi…