
My poems

Off topic
Hey everyone!

It’s been a long time since I blogged and thought of posting my poems!

I just wrote 2 hope you enjoy!!


Everything has an end
But a sausage has two
Be careful with that
U may burn that too
After burning it became black
U be like “yuck!”
U are gonna eat it and try
After eating u cry cry cry
U eat the vegetable
It made you unstable
U do not like veggies or fruits
So u burnt all the carrots, beetroots
U have nothing to eat
No rice, oats or wheat
U order a burger
But ur money in the purse is a goner!
U don’t know what to do
U are crazy like Scooby-doo
Go here go there
No food anywhere
U are really hungry
It made you angry
U see salt and ginger
It tasted like ladies finger
Even though it was bad
It was sweet and good as your dad
End of hunger
With salt and ginger


Chess, u are amazing!
U are the best, mind blowing!
Pawns, bishops, rooks, kings, queens and knights
We love you, we play you all day all night!
e4, e5
U’re interesting as sci-fi

U make me think
Make me win at the brink
U are my passion
I have alot of compassion ( towards you )
So interning so tense
You are making 64 squares intense!