
what are we really aiming to do? is this account against lichess rules?

some people were being pretty accusing on the fact that this an alt acc. here is some clarification:

by ria/owner 1/@tigerchocolatecone

why gwen is allowed in terms of the lichess etiquette:

gwen is not intended of use for anything against the lichess etiquette. you could even go as far as saying that she is an 'alter ego', 'made-up character', or even an entirely different person. we dont use her to cheat in chess, boost rating illegally, or anything that isnt allowed. none of the chess-related things gwen does are meant to benefit/disadvantage other players or knightsaber and I, the owners of this account. so far gwen hasnt even done much chess- maybe some puzzles (which doesnt influence others in any way), and some ultrabullet, which is me because i decided to leave it behind on my main acc.

so what is she for, then?

we created gwen for the purpose of blogging, foruming, and chess self-study. obviously, this doesnt concern any other players and isnt breaking any rules from the lichess tos. an example of something knightsaber and i might use gwen for is maybe we want to have a puzzle marathon and see who can figure out the puzzles quicker. some people have stated that this account is against the rules, but everything we do on gwen is only for gwen and doesnt influence anyone else, including ourselves. she isn't even that active of an account, anyway!

thank you for reading!

to anyone that questioned about gwen-- i understand the concern but there is nothing to worry about. gwen is a perfectly allowed and safe account, and if anything bad happens concerning her, i will make sure to attend to it and resolve it. thank you for reading!

-ria, owner 1