
The knight is very angry.

Adding killer moves.Devblog#4

Chess botStrategySoftware Development
Engine's name is Dazzler.

From Clueless to Chess Ninja: Killer Moves for my Chess Engine

We got another Devblog.Let's be honest, this chess engine can be a bit of a brick sometimes. It analyzes every move with the enthusiasm of a sloth on a Tuesday. But fear not, because today I am giving my engine a secret weapon: Killer Moves.
Imagine this: This engine stumbles upon a position where it absolutely bamboozled the opponent with a sneaky knight fork. Now, wouldn't it be hilarious if it remembered that trick move later on, just in case another poor soul blundered into the same trap? That's the beauty of Killer Moves.
Think of it like this engine keeping a "burn book" of its most devastating moves. When a similar situation pops up, it flips through this digital rolodex and whispers, "Hey, remember that time you turned the queen into swiss cheese with this move? Why not give it another shot?"
This can seriously cut down on the number of dead-end paths the engine explores. Those wasted calculations? Gone! Now this engine is a tactical ninja, efficiently zeroing in on the most promising lines.
With Killer Moves, engine goes from clueless to calculating. It'll still analyze every possibility, but with a newfound focus on its past triumphs. Who knows, maybe one day it'll even become a master strategist... but probably not. After all, it's still a machine. Another notice I have decided to remove two gear playstyle as it is decreasing the level of play quite alot. Until then peace out.