
The importance of NOT resigning

Hello everyone! I hope this post is helpful to you.

So, if you know me, then you know that I am REALLY against resigning. I don't even like the sound of it. But that doesn't mean you have to be. You may really like it. And that's fine. But this post will be about why I personally don't like it, and why I think you shouldn't do it.

I believe that with every game you play, you should finish it to the end. Whether your winning or losing, take the ending with pride. (That will be easy if your winning) But if your losing, that might be harder. I'm not saying for you to be like, "Yay! I'm losing!" I'm saying stand strong, and take defeat with pride. Because losing is NOT a bad thing! Have you ever heard the saying, 'Learn from your mistakes'? Well, that's why losing isn't bad. Because you can learn from it and become stronger.

Another reason why you shouldn't resign is because you might regret it. I've played several games where I really wanted to resign because I was certain I was done for. But, with some of those games, guess what I didn't do? That's right. I didn't resign. And guess what? I won those games! It doesn't matter how bad a position you're in. I say stand strong and keep playing your best because it might pay off. Trust me. ;)

I hope this was useful. And don't forget. Give God the Glory!