
I'm taking a break from making Horseys

Off topic
Hello everyone! My name is Teodora ( pronounced Thi-o-dough-ra) and welcome to my blog! I'm a 21 year old girl (btw I like to say girl not woman) who loves chess and space. I also love to study biology. I'm trying to learn draughts and shogi. I introduced myself now let's get into the post!

But why? The reason I'm taking a break from horsey's is because of college. I have exams coming so I don't have that much time on making Horseys. Of course I will still be making them but I'm taking a break from making them. I will post my most latest horsey on my blog soon when I have time. Again if you wanna be my friend you can PM me but I don't accept PM so if u want ask me on my fan club. This was such a short blog but see you guys soon. Bye!