
Searching for a Stalemate

Endgame Course on Chessable

Hi dear chess colleagues!

Do you like endgames? Most players find them difficult to play or even boring. What endgame theme would be both interesting and funny? Can disadvantageous positions intrigue us in any way? I think the most funny, interesting and intriguing endgames are the ones in which we are to create a stalemate scenario and so pull the opponent into a forced draw. By solving this type of endgame puzzles a player can develop his/her creativity, cleverness and astuteness.

Would you like to try that for yourself? Here is how you can do it! I have put together a course made of more than 40 exercises and quizzes divided into 5 chapters that will help you polish your skills and acquire a very useful endgame technique that can help you transform a losing position into a draw. To see all this is about please click here.

Thank you so much for your attention and enjoy your new chess adventure!

Be Your Best!

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