
Lichess Speedrun??

Chess variant
What I thought was a glitch

The Start

One day i was playing chess like a usual guy.So after the game ended i said gtg and Well played

My Surprise
So i just took analysis board and did some analysing after that instead of going to home page I pressed back button then to my surprise there the buttons were there as first i thought this as a exploit and posted a Blog about it

Why Not

Then suddenly an idea popped up in my head why cant you make like this a speedrun first 50 chats

Why i think it is a brilliant idea

You see if you play some chess for a long time you sometimes get the feeling to do something else if ur bored So Take one of your games analysis and get started first to Fifty and lichess could also make a leaderboard where players could send their videos of speedrunning
Honestly this could also work as a chess variant.I am stopping here
Have a nice day

Thank you if you read till here

Ps:This is just a joke

Real Ps:You can just scroll click my other blog again click this other blog just for fun
