
Search "user:SHG2005"

15 forum posts
Bulls Eye - Bulls Eye Team Upcoming team Battles#1

this is the other way you can see the announcement for the battles of the team. only 7 announcements per week are possible, so to compensate for the remaining days we can't send any announcements. you…

General Chess Discussion - How do you reopen a team?#6

Someone told me that reopening a team by requesting to a moderator is possible. Can you tell if this is true? I need a concrete answer guys.

General Chess Discussion - How do you reopen a team?#1

A. if it was accidentally closed? B. If the team creator Account is closed? But got a new account.

General Chess Discussion - Prizes matters but some have been banned?#1

Is it true that giving certificates, logo prize for Tournaments is not allowed. Instead, only money / cash prize is allowed here? I heard a news before that there's a new rule that says; making prize …

General Chess Discussion - Same GM Title but has different expertise???#9

@Akbar2thegreat you're not answering my question. Yes I know that there are many ways to reach a GM title but what I'm asking is a different thing. Read my statement again in the top so you can unders…

General Chess Discussion - Same GM Title but has different expertise???#8

@vqh what would you feel if you're that kind of GM. A GM that compose chess puzzle but you're rejected when you are about to present your credentials because you wanted to have the GM before your user…

General Chess Discussion - Same GM Title but has different expertise???#1

I read an article from the internet and I came across about this confusing statement for me. the passage goes exactly as the following words in the quote "There are also Grandmaster titles for compose…

General Chess Discussion - How to win at chess when your opponent is keep on copying your moves?#20

@Sarg0n thanks. Now, I can understand what you meant on your first statement sir.

General Chess Discussion - Is it really that forbidden or not an absolute rule?#3

@Adi_the_ninja I don't have any intention to do it. I don't have teams. I'm just playing for the teams I want to help.

General Chess Discussion - How to win at chess when your opponent is keep on copying your moves?#16

@Mihir2F can you give me an example? a game that fits your statement? I'm not good at imagination. Thanks.
