
How to win at chess when your opponent is keep on copying your moves?

Well white has the first move, so in your case white has a tempo. Everything else is equal so white probably just wins after the opening.
Have you ever had a game against a 1700 and above that copies your moves? Let me know. I wanna see how it ended and see if white really have the advantage.
@SHG2005 said in #10:
> @Sarg0n there are instances where white blocks a check but in that move, black might also be check. I don't know how to expound this.

not with the same move
@Mihir2F can you give me an example? a game that fits your statement? I'm not good at imagination. Thanks.
I stand corrected.

1. e4 e5 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 exd4 4. Qe2+ Qe7

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