
What is 1+1?

Yes. This really confuses me. My math teacher told me it is 2, my friend told it is 11, my brain is telling me it is window(s) and my dog is telling me it is 4. Is it just me or is 1+1 really complicated?
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1+1 is one of those questions where you'll never answer correctly haha :)

I can tell you it's 2, and then decide it's 11. Or I can tell you it's 11, and decide it is 2.
The answer is, none of them. 1+1 is Bullet.
Why are y'all ten-year-olds so dumb? It's two.
@ThEsMaRtgIrL_2012 said in #1:
> Yes. This really confuses me. My math teacher told me it is 2, my friend told it is 11, my brain is telling me it is window(s) and my dog is telling me it is 4. Is it just me or is 1+1 really complicated?

1+1=2 just use a calculator

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