
What do you think about Israel vs Palestine war?

I support Israel because I believe if you bless Israel God bless you.
@Gonzalo2568 said in #1:
> I support Israel because I believe if you bless Israel God bless you.
edit : you mean...
I support Israel because I believe if you bless Israel USA bless you.
It's now unanimous who to support; Palestine. Who's gonna support a genocide?
@WassimBerbar said in #4:
> It's now unanimous who to support; Palestine. Who's gonna support a genocide?
Who's gonna support any country that goes to war?
I don't support countries that start a war, and then start blaming each other for starting it. For god's sake, you basically agreed to fight, and now you call each other evil.
@WassimBerbar said in #7:
> ... against mainly civilians?!
You call Hamas terrorists civilians?
It's kinda their fault the civilians are dying, they decided to hide amongst the civilians.
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@LordSupremeChess said in #8:
> You call Hamas terrorists civilians?
> It's kinda their fault the civilians are dying, they decided to hide amongst the civilians.
You too believe in this lie?

Israel killed 20000 _civilians_ and you dare say it's Hamas who "hides" among civilians.

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