
Do we live just to die?

Indeed, the biological reasons appears to be reproduction and the preservation of the species.
And then there are all the other reasons you can try to see, from religion to philantrophy to politics to materialism to nihilism.
In the end, it hardly matters. But don't be stuck in a downturning loop - as for life, it is worth to live. Go outside, take a walk and come back later.
Space exploration is not a good reason to live....

No person on this site is ever going to space unless they are an astronaut or a billionaire...
after all;we respect every religion :according to islam; we are living for worshup our god;and believe that ther's one god in this entire universe;sure that enjoying and explore the universe isn't a bad thing but we need to not forget about the reason about living
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We live here to travel in Europe, Canada, and the USA.
And our soul will be instead of another one who borns and then dies and borns and dies and ...
this process continues and continues every day and every time.
Since the government's brainwashed you into committing suicide for them when they feel like it, yes: You live just to die.
@Shadow1414 said in #27:
> Since the government's brainwashed you into committing suicide for them when they feel like it, yes: You live just to die.
Which government have you got in mind? Sounds dystopian.
@AkshayaKottapalli said in #1:
> What is the point of us living, to accomplish life? What do you think?
to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever! that is our purpose in life. :)

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