
Allah vs Odin vs Shiva vs Zeus

Allah. The last three are pure polytheistic human inventions.
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Apart from creating a religious fight, I see no more motive of a dumb topic like this (no offence)
I don't think is a topic too good to discuss here, because it involves religion, and a fight which would never end. Every person would say that the god he prefers would win (based on his religion and/or beliefs)
I would side with Lord Shiva.
This actually sparks remembrance of a video I saw by the Infographics show, and I think it could be an interesting watch for you all:
This includes greek mythology, norse mythology, egyptian mythology, and indian/hindu mythology.
@AyaanshGaur12 said in #8:
> I don't think is a topic too good to discuss here, because it involves religion, and a fight which would never end. Every person would say that the god he prefers would win (based on his religion and/or beliefs)
> I would side with Lord Shiva.
> This actually sparks remembrance of a video I saw by the Infographics show, and I think it could be an interesting watch for you all:
> This includes greek mythology, norse mythology, egyptian mythology, and indian/hindu mythology.
Infographic show's a total mess. Watch that bird show, or what do we call again? Oh yeah, Kurzgesagt! :D

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