
Capablanca vs Corzo games

1 • bharadwajj1729_v4 •
  1. Jose Raul Capablanca vs Juan Corzo (1-0), Havana,1901; The last bishop of Havana
  2. Question: Is this position a known win or a draw?
  3. What about this position?
  4. What about this: Black to play
  1. bharadwajj1729_v4

Secondary Black Openings

1 • ndornfe2 •
  1. QGD Catalan
  2. Caro Kann Advance
  3. Caro Kann Fantasy
  4. Caro Kann Tartakower
  1. ndornfe2

Nimzo-Indian's Conclusion

1 • AlexLQH •
  1. 4.Qc2
  2. 4.Qc2 O-O 5.a3 system 7.Bg5
  3. 4.Qc2 O-O 5.a3 system 7.Nf3 #1
  4. 4.Qc2 O-O 5.a3 system 7.Nf3 #2
  1. AudienceCTQ
  2. liyuanhoa
  3. AlexLQH

Блиц за белых Халифман А. В.

1 • LI-I7 •
  1. 6...dxc6
  2. 6...bxc6
  3. 5...Bxc3
  4. Малоудачный 5...d7-d6
  1. LI-I7

the return

1 • PenguinInParis •
  1. game 1 white
  2. game 2 white
  3. game 2 black
  4. game 4 black
  1. PenguinInParis

mygames 7th grade

1 • hiimaperson •
  1. Alexander Soll vs Aiden Kuo Round 1 Marshal Chess Club
  2. Sebastian Butts vs Alexander Soll, Round 1 Marshal Chess Club
  3. Alexander Soll vs Alexander Goskolover
  4. Alexander Soll vs Levon T, Round 1 MCC
  1. hiimaperson
  2. FM yasinka2016

Serious Repetoire

1 • scandeed •
  1. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 ed 4. Qxd4...
  2. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 ed 4. Nxd4...
  3. 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 d6 3. Bc4/f4/g3...
  4. 1. d4 d6 2. Nf3...
  1. scandeed

III Liga seniorów 2024 PREP I deska

1 • camurf •
  1. Wprowadzenie
  2. Runda I vs Puczyłowski Marcin Caro-Kann Panov 6.Gg5 dxc4 7.Sf3
  3. Ivanchuk - Aronian 0-1
  4. Runda I vs Puczyłowski Marcin Caro-Kann Panov 6.Gg5 dxc4 7.d5
  1. camurf

Open de Cassis Ceyreste

1 • machamchess •
  1. R1: Blancs contre MORY Eric 2023 F
  2. R2: Noirs contre HAMM Rodrigue 1842 F
  3. R3: Blancs contre BAKAEV Idris 1894 F
  4. R4: Noirs contre POLAERT Clarence 1717 F
  1. flo3
  2. machamchess

Denizli Tatile Merhaba Turnuvası

1 • walnut_man •
  1. Yusuf Emir & Hamza
  2. Hamza&Ali Kerem
  1. walnut_man

bitolmao's Study

1 • bitolmao •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. bitolmao


1 • RADOH •
  1. 4. Bd3
  2. 4. Ag5 Principal
  1. RADOH

mortalswat's Study

1 • mortalswat •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. mortalswat


1 • EntropyPrinciple •
  1. T.N.T." is a song released in 1975 by Australian hard rock band AC/DC
  2. A Hard Day's Night is the third studio album by the English rock band the Beatle
  3. All Of Me by Frank Sinatra
  4. Waterloo sunset by Kinks 1967
  1. EntropyPrinciple

My games in Caro Kann

1 • Jessehof1 •
  1. Game 1: Thom Zwamborn
  2. Game 2: Jan Prins
  3. Game 3: Thailo van Ree
  4. Game 4: Marijn Jansen
  1. Jessehof1


1 • NoobiefromEstonia •
  1. Traditional / Classical Exchange variation
  2. Classical Gligoric System
  1. NoobiefromEstonia