
Search "user:cicciospice"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Mobile site "tactics" opens lichess app#1

Hi all, I tried to open tactics from mobile site, i prefer to choose difficulty and this option is not available in lichess app. Now, if I tap on tactics menu, mobile sites closes and app is loaded. H…

General Chess Discussion - Chess opening training- website or android app#3

Thank you very much, I'll check ot for sure. Francesco

General Chess Discussion - Tips for bullet/ultra bullet?#5

I want to suggest a book by GM Nakamura “mate in 1 minute”...very interesting and covers also time management tips.

General Chess Discussion - Chess opening training- website or android app#1

Hi all, I followed some study here on lichess, but i would like to drill some opening in order to memorize best option in a variation. Can someone suggest me an app or a website where i can train my m…

General Chess Discussion - Books on Evaluating Positions#4

Jacob Aagard in his serie dedicated to gm preparation has a book on positional game. For sure very helpfull for a clear understanding of positions. I suggest to buy this volume, the one dedicated to s…

Lichess Feedback - Patron renew issue#3

Hi, thank you for your response, can you tell me how contact a moderator? Thank you again Francesco

Lichess Feedback - Patron renew issue#1

Hi, so far I was a one time patron, I decided to convert my donations from one time to monthly. Unfortunately I received a message in which I read that my contribution will be canceled next month, eve…
