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3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Woodpecker - bad numbering#10

Ok, thanks to all for the explanations. And above all thanks to carbone144: the woodpecker requires lot of engagement but is very useful and I suggest it to everyone

Lichess Feedback - Woodpecker - bad numbering#5

@DERG_CHESS said in #2: > What does this have to do with lichess tho...? Here is the answer to your kind question. 1. Lichess hosts the Woodpecker method; 2. This is done in dedicated sections of Lich…

Lichess Feedback - Woodpecker - bad numbering#1

This is not really a "bug" but I signal it: in the Woodpecker section "Intermediate 4" the numbering of exercises is said to be "Exercices #415 to #487" but really it is FROM #415 TO #478. I repeat: u…
