
Search "user:EliasAlucard"

68 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - I won on time, went on main page, saw that I was still in the game and lost on time????#6

It has happened to me also a few times, it's rare but it does happen, especially in bullet, due to lag or something.

General Chess Discussion - Our Favorite Open-Source Sites #2#78

Personally, the main reason I use Lichess is because it's open source GPLv3. I used to occasionally play some online chess over at FICS, which is also open source, but that's only an open source chess…

Lichess Feedback - Rating score not working#16

So it just happened again, I won a match and gained 9 points, however, these 9 points aren't added in my classical rating, even though it was a rated tournament match. This is the match I'm talking ab…

Lichess Feedback - Brave Browser's BAT crypto donations#2

Will this ever be fixed, @thibault ??? I mean Liches does have a Brave verified creator account, so are there any issues along the way that prevents Lichess from receiving BAT tips?

Lichess Feedback - "This topic has been archived and can no longer be replied to"#1

I checked an old thread of mine I was going to reply in, and found that message at the end of the thread. What's the point of this? Why not let us bump old threads? Sooner or later, someone else is go…

General Chess Discussion - I love lichess so much.#15

I use the Brave browser and it doesn't show any trackers either on Lichess. And yes of course, Lichess is the best damn chess website ever, which is why I donate to Lichess and so should everyone else…

Off-Topic Discussion - Acid#3

Fleetwood Mac - Albatross

Off-Topic Discussion - Time travel possible#71

@Ihavenothing not sure, I doubt time travel into the past requires that much energy. But it all depends of course on how much energy wormholes require, and what exactly the type of exotic matter is ne…

Off-Topic Discussion - Time travel possible#64

@MadNutella time travel to the past is fully possible with wormholes, so the theoretical part isn't the issue here. Yeah there's always the grandfather paradox and such but the point is that it's poss…

Off-Topic Discussion - Time travel possible#50

@MadNutella yes wormholes do allow time travel to the past, but only as far back as to the moment it was created, and the wormhole has to be kept intact all the time for people in the far future to tr…
