Ku deeq

Lichess coaches

FM Fanatist Lichess coach picture

FM Jürgen Kaufeld

Warte nicht darauf, dass Schach einfacher wird, sondern werde du besser! Am besten mit Training von einem fanatistischen Coach :-D

LocationDuisburg Germany
Hourly rate30€ Training, 20€ Trainingspartien
NM CoachFede Lichess coach picture

NM Federico Zuttioni

"Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion." Michael Jordan

LocationTaipei Taiwan
LuuqadahaEnglish (US), Italiano, 中文
RatingFIDE: 216924382508
Hourly rateReasonable, depending on the assignment.
FM AndrsPalu Lichess coach picture

FM Andres Palu

Como en el ajedrez, la vida es un juego. Un juego que no se gana, solo se juega.

Location Spain
LuuqadahaEspañol, English (US)
Hourly rate15€ (Consultar por pack de clases)
GM gmluke Lichess coach picture

GM Luke McShane

'World's Strongest Amateur'

LocationLondon United Kingdom
LuuqadahaEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 268026172705
Hourly rateRates from $300/hr
FM nikhildixit Lichess coach picture

FM Nikhil Dixit

Play for fun!

Locationpune India
LuuqadahaEnglish (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी, मराठी
RatingFIDE: 238226912453
Hourly rate$25 per hour
IM JohnDBryant Lichess coach picture

IM John Bryant

Let's study chess!

Location United States
LuuqadahaEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2422
Hourly rate30$/hour
GM Ratkovic_Miloje Lichess coach picture

GM Miloje Ratkovic

“Practice even what seems impossible. The left hand is useless at almost everything, for lack of practice. But it guides the reins better than the right. From practice.”​

LocationBelgrade Serbia
LuuqadahaEnglish (US), Српски језик, Bosanski, Hrvatski
RatingFIDE: 24892861
Hourly rate1 hour= 95 USD, 10 hours= 800 USD
CM jlf287 Lichess coach picture

CM Jacob Flynn

A focus on chess fundamentals and enjoyment.

Location Ireland
LuuqadahaEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 21962611241224122113
Hourly rate€25 per hour. Flexible rates, message for discounts for block bookings.
IM tritarov1960 Lichess coach picture

IM mauricio jimenez

Las mejores cosas de la vida, las he vivido junto a este hermoso deporte.

Location Colombia
RatingFIDE: 229924672398
Hourly rate10 USD
IM Kaisa014 Lichess coach picture

IM Slavisa Milanovic

Theory without practice is useless

LocationBanjani Serbia
LuuqadahaСрпски језик, русский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 232625112534
Hourly rateLessons - 20€/h with homework and additional material ; Training games - ONLY 8 Euro/h !!!