
Lichess coaches

NM MrNormalName Lichess coach picture

NM Theodore Slade

"It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela

LocationOrlando, FL United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 21752453
Hourly rate$50
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
NM sammartin1 Lichess coach picture

NM Sam Martin

Better chess through better studying.

Location United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
Hourly rate$60 for 1 hour lesson (1st lesson is free)
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
IM scofieldmike Lichess coach picture


I can help you to understand Chess deeper and improve your skills systematically,fast & effectively.

LocationVijayawada India
LanguagesEnglish (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी
RatingFIDE: 246227142613
Hourly rate25-30$ per hour,email:
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
NM amazingoid Lichess coach picture

NM Brandon Ashe

Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe -- Hindu proverb

LocationCalifornia United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2209
Hourly rate$30
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
GM pigonthewing Lichess coach picture

GM Diego Flores

"Los peones son el alma del ajedrez", una frase tan poética como literal.

LocationBuenos Aires Argentina
RatingFIDE: 254527632714
Hourly rate50 usd / Partidas de entrenamiento: 30 usd
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
CM sawkito Lichess coach picture

CM Carlos Abiad

La motivación va y viene, la constancia es la clave del éxito!

Location Venezuela
RatingFIDE: 2202269123462225
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
IM maxiginzburg Lichess coach picture

IM Maximiliano Ginzburg

Creo que el ajedrez es un lenguaje en común, una manifestación deportiva y también artística, que nos ayuda a mejorar como personas

LocationBuenos Aires Argentina
LanguagesEspañol, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 235724352453
Hourly rateU$20 x hora (crypto USDT) o (Paypal)
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
NM Professor_Grego Lichess coach picture

NM Christian Avgoustopoulos

Instrutor FIDE e Mestre Nacional. Evolução consistente e equilibrada em todas as fases do jogo. Tenho excelente didática, com acompanhamento individual e personalizado.

LocationSão Paulo - SP Brazil
RatingFIDE: 198122202192
Hourly rateContate-me para um orçamento.
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
IM ChessSuccess Lichess coach picture

IM Erik Kislik

Are you tired of failing in chess? Try success. It works better.

LocationCalifornia United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2432
Hourly rate$100 per hour
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо:
WCM elou21 Lichess coach picture

WCM Eva Lourenco

Its never too late to learn, if you have the will I'll show you the way to improve.

LocationAuckland New Zealand
LanguagesEnglish (US)
Hourly rate15 EUR onwards based on the level
Сүүлд холбогдсон огноо: