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Congrats @Javier1009 on winning the Lichess Game of the Month May 2024! Thank you for all your countless submissions!

GM Nodirbek Yakubboev, being the lowest rated participant of the tournament, has won the UzChess Cup 2024 Masters on slightly better tiebreaks than runner-up GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov! GM Shamsiddin Vokhidov is the winner of the Challengers and GM Vitaly Sivuk took 1st place in the Futures section.

Watch the final round of the UzChess Cup 2024 now with us and our host IM Irene Sukandar on YouTube and Twitch! GMs Nodirbek Abdusattorov and Nodirbek Yakubboev still share the lead and play with White against the two players 0.5 points behind them, GMs Alexey Sarana and Yu Yangyi respectively.

IM, and soon-to-be GM, Kazybek Nogerbek is the World Junior Champion 2024, beating GM Emin Ohanyan on tiebreak criteria, both with 8.5/11 points! IM Divya Deshmukh has won the World Junior Girls Championship undefeated with only 2 draws, closely followed by WIM Mariam Mkrtchyan, half a point behind!

Following a complaint by the Ukrainian Chess Federation, Andrey Baryshpolets and Peter Heine Nielsen, the FIDE Ethics Commission has reprimanded FIDE president Arkady Dvorkovich and excluded the Russian Chess Federation from membership for 2 years. FIDE and Dvorkovich want to appeal the decision.

YouTuber Paralogical has analysed our free and open database of over 5 billion games to find The rarest move in chess in an entertaining and informative video! The open source code behind the analysis is available on GitHub.