

1 member

other things are down.

This team is only for @YEOHPJ friends

Main leader - @YEOHPJ

Leaders - @YEOHPJ & @Arthus_Chee

jokes - Main Leader + Leaders = 💩💩💩

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Play a tournament = 10 points

Follow the leaders = 5 points

Invite a player = 20 points

Invite a Bot = 50 points

Invite a titled player = 100 points


get 100 points at team battle (join our team) Bonus 10 points + 1 follower

Get 200 points at team battle (join our team) Bonus 20 points + 1 follower

Get 300 points at team battle (join our team Bonus 30 points + 1 follower

The rest get 5 followers thanks!

Riddles sent in the forums

  1. I need some air but I am not alive

  2. The first is free second is free too but 3rd you need alotttt of money

  3. What if you see a snake 1st bye 2nd look