lichess players and FQA Admins
Hello weclome to the lichess players team. You have to be verified by the FQA Team Admins to join. First you have to play more then 5 games and you will be Notifided if you get the password. FQA Admins @N3wB0t (Leader of FQA Admins) @LoveYJP887 Secretary FQA Admins @C4LWangA Admin super visor @YJP Helper Admin O-5 @AWchess Judge @Real_Madrid503 O-5 Judge FQA Super viser Over player Admin. last but not least @Dragon_Official Password Judge super viser O-5. You may talk to all our Admins for the password it may take 1 week or a day or 2 max is 1 week you may never get the password and be Denied because you might have Cheated, and not being nice.) (About this team is we have Groups! more coming soon!
Rewards: Bring 15 players to the team FQA Admin Battle (You might be FQA Admin or you get a 4539K Coins.
100 PLAYERS AND BRING GM ANDREW TANG IN= 374718437641863487163738467673467343864 Chess coins AND FQA Admin! Good luck!