
FORCE exists team

2 members

everyone, please USE THE FORCE in chess when you are losing (it means do not give up)
stay AWAY from the empire (your opponent). and win it.

your head leader

May the force be with you. - MrCalvatron, your leader.

Head leader (can do all the jobs below, create tournaments, change settings and send messages): Natbee
Leaders(can do all the jobs below, create tournaments, send messages, and change the setting): MrCalvatron, Knightninja1, Clairechenziyi
Co-leaders(can do all the jobs below, create tournaments, and send messages):
head monitors (control all the jobs below):
monitors (control all the jobs below):
Co-monitors (control all the jobs below):
Chat defenders (job is to defend chat and report them): Harshab, D3_Man
reporters (job is to report news in News Forum):
if you edit this you will be out of the team (except me and leaders)
note: the line means that means 1 topic

Wait... guys...

Grammar Police: MrCalvatron. Corrects grammar errors in the description. (comment from Natbee: it is head monitors not monsters)

Have fun!