[Event "Checkmate Using Two Bishop: Checkmate with two Bishops"] [Site "Chesshope.com"] [Result "*"] [Annotator "chesshope"] [Variant "From Position"] [ECO "?"] [Opening "?"] [FEN "8/8/8/3k4/8/B6B/8/3K4 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [UTCDate "2019.03.09"] [UTCTime "11:07:00"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/u584aadB/ZS9jaIPK"] [Orientation "white"] { STEP 1: First you need to gain control over the central squares (e4,d4,e5,d5) using bishops and control a1-h8 and h1-a8 diagonal. } 1. Bg2+ Ke5 2. Bb2+ Kd6 { STEP 2: Place Your Bishops on d4 and e4 Square } { [%csl Gd4,Ge4] } 3. Be4 Ke6 4. Bd4 Kd6 { STEP 3: Relocate Your King from d1 to c5. } { [%csl Yc5,Yd1][%cal Yd1c2,Yc2c3,Yc3c4,Yc4c5] } 5. Kc2 Ke6 6. Kc3 Kd6 7. Kc4 Ke6 8. Kc5 Kf7 { STEP 4: Now move your bishops as shown with blue arrows to squeeze more space from the Black's King. } { [%csl Bf5,Be5][%cal Be4f5,Bd4e5] } 9. Bf5 Ke7 10. Be5 Kf7 11. Kd6 Kg8 { STEP 5: Repeat the Step 4 and squeeze more space from black's king } { [%csl Bg6,Bf6][%cal Bf5g6,Be5f6] } 12. Bg6 Kf8 13. Bf6 { Now Black king has only two legal moves. } { [%csl Re7,Rd8,Rh7,Rg7,Rh8,Rf7,Re8,Rf6,Gg8,Gf8][%cal Rf6d8,Rg6e8,Rf6h8,Rg6h7] } 13... Kg8 { STEP 6: Move Your king from d6 to h6 } { [%csl Yh6,Yd6][%cal Yd6e6,Ye6f5,Yf5g5,Yg5h5,Yh5h6] } 14. Ke6 Kf8 15. Kf5 Kg8 16. Kg5 Kf8 17. Kh6 Kg8 18. Be7 { Taking f8 square from the king and forcing to go in the corner. } { [%csl Gf8] } 18... Kh8 19. Bf5 Kg8 20. Be6+ Kh8 21. Bf6# { 1-0 White wins by checkmate. } { [%cal Rf6h8,Re6g8] } *