[Event "Rated Classical game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/WvMFrYEh"]
[Date "2023.12.16"]
[White "Tedrhuyagonall"]
[Black "jk_182"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2188"]
[BlackElo "2042"]
[TimeControl "1800+30"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[ECO "B90"]
[Opening "Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation, Adams Attack"]
[Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/jk_182"]
[StudyName "Lonewolf S31"]
[ChapterName "Tedrhuyagonall (2188) - jk_182 (2042)"]
[Source "https://lichess.org/study/tboWm0qu/BveuyF2j"]
[Orientation "black"]
1. e4 { [%clk 0:30:00] } 1... c5 { [%clk 0:30:00] } 2. Nf3 { [%clk 0:30:25] } 2... d6 { [%clk 0:30:24] } 3. d4 { [%clk 0:30:50] } 3... cxd4 { [%clk 0:30:51] } 4. Nxd4 { [%clk 0:31:11] } 4... Nf6 { [%clk 0:31:13] } 5. Nc3 { [%clk 0:31:34] } 5... a6 { [%clk 0:31:42] } 6. h3 { [%clk 0:32:00] } 6... e5 { [%clk 0:31:59] } 7. Nde2 { [%clk 0:32:27] } 7... h5 { [%clk 0:32:09] } 8. Bg5 { [%clk 0:31:15] } 8... Be6 { [%clk 0:32:17] } 9. Bxf6 { This move took me out of my preparation } { [%clk 0:30:28] } 9... Qxf6 { [%clk 0:31:36] } 10. Nd5 { [%clk 0:30:48] } 10... Qd8 { [%clk 0:30:35] } 11. Nec3 { [%clk 0:30:45] } 11... Nd7 { [%clk 0:28:44] } 12. Bc4 { [%clk 0:26:53] } 12... Rc8 { [%clk 0:28:03] } 13. Bb3 { [%clk 0:26:56] } 13... Qg5 { Now that the bishop is a bit stuck on the queenside, I decided to go for an attack on the kingside } { [%clk 0:26:37] } 14. Qf3 { [%clk 0:24:41] } 14... Nc5 { [%clk 0:24:31] } 15. O-O { [%clk 0:21:18] } 15... Rh6!? { I saw this idea and it was too tempting for me not to play it } { [%clk 0:18:37] } 16. Rfd1 { [%clk 0:15:36] } 16... Rg6 { [%clk 0:17:10] } 17. Bc4 { [%clk 0:13:34] } 17... Bxd5 { [%clk 0:14:54] } 18. Nxd5 { [%clk 0:11:23] } 18... Ne6 { [%clk 0:14:56] } 19. Ne3 { [%clk 0:06:15] } 19... Rf6 { [%clk 0:10:49] } 20. Qg3 { [%clk 0:04:40] } 20... Qxg3 { [%clk 0:10:14] } 21. fxg3 { [%clk 0:05:10] } 21... Nc5 { [%clk 0:09:26] } (21... d5! { I didn't even consider this move } 22. exd5 (22. Nxd5? Rxc4 23. Nxf6+ gxf6 $17) (22. Bxd5 Bc5! 23. Re1 Bxe3+ 24. Rxe3 Rxc2 25. Bxe6 (25. Bxb7? Rff2 $19) 25... Rxe6 26. Rb3 Re7 $17) 22... Bc5 23. Re1 Bxe3+ 24. Rxe3 Rxc4 25. dxe6 Rxe6 $15) 22. Bd5 { [%clk 0:04:52] } 22... Rc7 { [%clk 0:08:35] } 23. Rf1 { [%clk 0:04:03] } (23. a4! { White should have avoided the exchange of rooks and improved the position instead. Black is a bit cramped and the d6-pawn is weak, so white has a pleasant advantage } 23... g6 24. Re1 Bh6 25. Nc4 $14) 23... Rxf1+ { [%clk 0:08:38] } 24. Rxf1 { [%clk 0:04:26] } 24... g6 { [%clk 0:09:06] } 25. Rf6 { [%clk 0:04:11] } 25... b5 { [%clk 0:08:55] } (25... Bh6 26. Nd1 Bg5!? 27. Rxd6 Bd8!? { Setting up a little trap since the white rook is very short on squares } 28. b4 (28. Ne3? Ke7 29. Rb6 Rd7 30. Rb4 b5 31. a3 Ba5 $17 { And black finally wins the exchange }) (28. Bb3 Nxe4 29. Rd5 Re7 $15 { Black has the better structure and a passed pawn and is therefore slightly better }) 28... Nd7 29. Bb3 Be7 30. Rd3 Bxb4 { Black has a structural advantage but white should be able to hold the draw }) 26. g4 { [%clk 0:03:55] } 26... Ne6? { I played this since I missed the knight fork on d5 and thought that the rook will get trapped if it takes on e6 } { [%clk 0:06:10] } 27. Bxe6 { [%clk 0:03:00] } 27... fxe6 { [%clk 0:06:32] } 28. Rxe6+ { [%clk 0:03:27] } 28... Kf7 { [%clk 0:06:51] } 29. Rf6+ { [%clk 0:03:39] } 29... Kxf6 { [%clk 0:05:35] } 30. Nd5+! { [%clk 0:04:02] } 30... Kg5 { [%clk 0:06:05] } 31. Nxc7 { [%clk 0:04:24] } 31... Be7 { [%clk 0:06:10] } 32. gxh5 { [%clk 0:04:37] } 32... gxh5 { [%clk 0:06:27] } 33. Kf2 { [%clk 0:04:38] } 33... a5 { I had intended to play 33...Kf4 but white has another knight fork on d5. At this point of the game, I was a bit annoyed since in every line I calculated, white had a knight fork } { [%clk 0:06:16] } 34. Nxb5?! { Not a real objective mistake, but this allows black's king to get active } { [%clk 0:04:23] } (34. g3! { Simply shutting the king out off the kingside } 34... b4 35. Nd5 Bd8 36. Ke3 $18 { White is simply dominating the position and has an extra pawn }) 34... Kf4 { [%clk 0:06:30] } 35. Nc3 { [%clk 0:03:08] } 35... Bh4+ { [%clk 0:06:33] } 36. Ke2 { [%clk 0:03:12] } 36... Kg3 { [%clk 0:06:27] } 37. Kf1 { [%clk 0:03:32] } 37... Kf4 { [%clk 0:05:58] } 38. a3 { [%clk 0:03:35] } 38... Ke3 { [%clk 0:05:07] } 39. b4 { [%clk 0:03:13] } 39... axb4 { [%clk 0:05:30] } 40. axb4 { [%clk 0:03:11] } 40... Bd8 { [%clk 0:04:22] } (40... Kd4 41. Nb5+ Kxe4 42. Nxd6+ Kd5) 41. Nb5 { [%clk 0:01:59] } 41... Kxe4 { [%clk 0:04:28] } 42. Nxd6+ { [%clk 0:02:25] } 42... Kd5 { [%clk 0:04:47] } 43. Nf5 { [%clk 0:01:45] } 43... Kc4 { [%clk 0:04:42] } 44. Ke2 { [%clk 0:01:01] } 44... Kxb4 { [%clk 0:04:44] } 45. Kd3 { [%clk 0:01:19] } 45... Bf6 { [%clk 0:03:45] } 46. g4?? { White missed my idea and this move throws away the win. In general, I don't think white should hurry with exchanging a pair of pawns on the kingside } { [%clk 0:01:16] } (46. Ng3 h4 47. Nf5 Bg5 48. c4 Kc5 49. Ne3) 46... hxg4 { [%clk 0:04:06] } 47. hxg4 { [%clk 0:01:42] } 47... e4+! { With the idea to control (and if allowed capture) the c-pawn with my king } { [%clk 0:02:22] } 48. Kxe4 { [%clk 0:01:28] } 48... Kc3 { [%clk 0:02:47] } 49. Ne3 { [%clk 0:01:42] } 49... Bg5! { Black needs to attack the knight so white cannot play Kf5 to support the g-pawn } { [%clk 0:02:36] } 50. Kf3 { [%clk 0:01:30] } 50... Bh6 { [%clk 0:01:53] } (50... Kd2 51. c4 Bxe3 52. Ke4 { I saw this position during the game and thought that white wins, but it's still a draw } 52... Ke2! 53. Kf5 Kd3 54. g5 Bxg5 55. Kxg5 Kxc4) 51. Ke2 { [%clk 0:01:25] } 51... Bg5 { [%clk 0:02:12] } 52. Kf2 { [%clk 0:01:08] } 52... Kd2 { [%clk 0:01:02] } 53. Nc4+ { [%clk 0:00:32] } (53. c4 Bxe3+ 54. Kf3 Kd3 $10) 53... Kxc2 { Now the draw is simple, black only needs to ensure that he can sacrifice the bishop for the g-pawn } { [%clk 0:01:20] } 54. Kf3 { [%clk 0:00:45] } 54... Kd3 { [%clk 0:01:20] } 55. Ne5+ { [%clk 0:00:32] } 55... Kd4 { [%clk 0:01:31] } 56. Nf7 { [%clk 0:00:39] } 56... Bc1 { [%clk 0:01:50] } 57. Nh8 { [%clk 0:00:39] } 57... Ke5 { [%clk 0:01:59] } 58. g5 { [%clk 0:00:46] } 58... Bxg5 { [%clk 0:02:23] } 59. Nf7+ { [%clk 0:01:09] } 59... Kf6 { [%clk 0:02:50] } 60. Nxg5 { [%clk 0:01:09] } 1/2-1/2