[Event "Rated Classical game"] [Site "https://lichess.org/ARKe5Src"] [Date "2023.11.12"] [White "jk_182"] [Black "BarbarAusBielefeld"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2068"] [BlackElo "1892"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [Termination "Normal"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "D36"] [Opening "Queen's Gambit Declined: Exchange Variation, Reshevsky Variation"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/jk_182"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/tboWm0qu/74P5tfjU"] [Orientation "white"] 1. d4 { [%clk 0:30:00] } 1... d5 { [%clk 0:30:00] } 2. c4 { [%clk 0:30:27] } 2... e6 { [%clk 0:30:27] } 3. Nc3 { [%clk 0:30:49] } 3... Nf6 { [%clk 0:30:54] } 4. cxd5 { [%clk 0:31:15] } 4... exd5 { [%clk 0:31:21] } 5. Bg5 { [%clk 0:31:40] } 5... c6 { [%clk 0:31:49] } 6. Qc2 { [%clk 0:31:53] } 6... h6 { [%clk 0:32:05] } 7. Bh4 { [%clk 0:31:18] } 7... Be7 { [%clk 0:32:23] } 8. e3 { [%clk 0:31:43] } 8... O-O { [%clk 0:32:20] } 9. Bd3 { [%clk 0:32:06] } 9... Re8 { [%clk 0:32:37] } 10. Nge2 { [%clk 0:31:41] } 10... Nbd7 { [%clk 0:32:16] } 11. f3 { [%clk 0:29:00] } (11. O-O Ne4 12. Bxe7 Qxe7 13. Bxe4 dxe4 { I didn't want to go into a position like that, but it's not bad for white objectively } 14. d5!? Nf6 (14... cxd5? 15. Nxd5 { Black will lose an exchange due to the fork on c7 }) 15. dxc6 bxc6 16. Rfd1 $14) 11... b5 { [%clk 0:30:19] } 12. O-O { [%clk 0:28:12] } 12... a5?! { I don't think that black should play on the queenside in this structure. White has the plan of playing e4 and starting an attack on the kingside, so black should keep this in mind and leave defenders on the kingside. } { [%clk 0:29:40] } 13. Bf2 { [%clk 0:26:08] } 13... Ba6 { [%clk 0:24:44] } 14. Ng3 { [%clk 0:18:38] } 14... Nb6 { [%clk 0:23:16] } 15. Nce2?! { This is a bit slow } { [%clk 0:16:51] } (15. e4! b4 { I was afraid of this move } 16. Bxa6 Rxa6 17. Nce2 dxe4 18. fxe4 Ng4 19. h3 Nxf2 20. Rxf2 $16 { Black's c-pawn is weak and white has opened a front on the kingside for an attack }) 15... Qc7?! { Again, black moves a piece away from the kingside } { [%clk 0:16:31] } (15... Bf8 16. e4 dxe4 17. fxe4) 16. Rac1 { [%clk 0:15:49] } 16... Rec8 { [%clk 0:16:53] } 17. Bf5 { [%clk 0:13:44] } (17. Nf5 Bf8 18. e4 { This is also good for white }) 17... Nfd7 { [%clk 0:16:33] } (17... Re8 { Giving up a pawn was probably the lesser evil since it keeps the knight for the defense } 18. Qxc6 Qa7 19. Qc2 $16) 18. e4 { [%clk 0:11:49] } 18... dxe4 { [%clk 0:15:23] } 19. fxe4 { [%clk 0:12:01] } 19... c5 { [%clk 0:13:48] } 20. e5 { [%clk 0:11:11] } 20... Bg5 { [%clk 0:12:42] } 21. e6! { Now white is breaking through } { [%clk 0:09:33] } 21... Bxc1 { [%clk 0:10:26] } (21... fxe6 22. Bxe6+ Kh8 23. Nh5 Bxc1 24. Qxc1 $18 { White intends Nf4 and the attack is too strong }) 22. exd7 { [%clk 0:09:21] } 22... Nxd7 { [%clk 0:10:13] } 23. Rxc1 { [%clk 0:09:05] } 23... c4 { [%clk 0:09:40] } 24. b3 { [%clk 0:07:31] } 24... Rd8 { [%clk 0:09:39] } 25. Be3 { [%clk 0:06:27] } 25... Nb6 { [%clk 0:04:16] } 26. Bf4 { [%clk 0:05:42] } 26... Qe7 { [%clk 0:04:11] } 27. Be5 { I found the manoeuvre Be3-f4-e5 visually pleasing } { [%clk 0:05:29] } 27... Nd5 { [%clk 0:03:10] } 28. bxc4 { [%clk 0:04:37] } (28. Bh7+ { This would have worked right away } 28... Kf8 29. Nf5 { And the play is the same as in the game }) 28... bxc4 { [%clk 0:03:16] } (28... Nf6 { White is still completely winning, but now black has prevented the Bh7+ idea }) 29. Bh7+! { [%clk 0:03:49] } 29... Kf8 { [%clk 0:01:46] } (29... Kh8 30. Bxg7+! Kxg7 31. Nf5+) 30. Nf5 { [%clk 0:03:09] } 30... Qg5 { [%clk 0:01:55] } 31. Bxg7+ { [%clk 0:03:31] } 31... Ke8 { [%clk 0:01:56] } 32. Bxh6 { 1-0 Black resigns. } { [%clk 0:03:18] } 1-0