Paragua, Megan Althea(1973)
Zavivaeva, Kristina(1769)
1.Nf3Nf62.c4e63.g3Be74.Bg2O-O5.O-Od56.d3b67.b3Bb78.Bb2Nbd79.Nbd2c510.a3Rc811.Qc2Rc7Black begins a nice maneuvering of the queen onto the long diagonal.12.Rac1Qa813.Qb1...White is trying to play a copycat strategy!13....Rd814.Qa1Nf814...d4!Either here or on the previous turn, this would have cemented a space advantage for Black.15.Rfd1Nf816.b4e5!and Black can even use her queen-and-bishop battery to tactically gain even more space in the center.15.cxd5!Bxd515...exd516.e3d417.e4=was also reasonable. Threats of ... c5-c4 gives Black lots of dynamic play, even if White has gained use of the c-file and accompanying b3-b4 dynamics.16.Nc4Rcc817.Rfd1b518.Ncd2Qb819.Be5Qb620.Qb2Ng621.Bc3...Play has been about equal for some time, and continues as such.21....Bb722.b4cxb423.axb4a624.Bd4Qd625.Bc5Qd726.Nb3Bd527.e4Ba828.Bxe7Qxe729.Nc5a5!Right when White was about to make some headway, Paragua shows her strong sense for the needs of the position and undermines the knight's outpost.30.Rc2axb431.Qxb4?...31.Rdc1b332.Qxb3Nd7=would not be bad for Black at all, but is about equal.31....Nxe4!It's always funny when a piece can be taken three different ways but should be taken in none of them.32.Rdc1Nxc533.Rxc5Rxc534.Rxc5Qf6?Black actually did not need to give up the pawn at all.34...Bxf3!35.Bxf3Ne5!By making continuous threats, White never has time to capture on b5.36.Be2Nc6!The real point: White's queen is short on squares that defend the rook!37.Qc3(37.Qxb5Nd4-+overloads the queen.)b438.Qc1Nd4-+35.Rxb5??...White was going to win the pawn back, but she had to defend the knight first!35.Ne1!=holds the back rank together, defends the knight and bishop, and allows White to regain Black's extra pawn.35....Bxf336.Bxf3Qxf337.Rb8...Perhaps, in White's head, this move came with check?!37....Qd1+But this move does!38.Kg2Qxd3-+Black is up a full piece and a pawn to boot, and went on to convert.39.Qb6Rxb840.Qxb8+Nf841.Qe8Qd742.Qa8e543.h4f544.Qa2+Qe645.Qa8g646.Kh2Kg747.Qb7+Nd748.Qc7e449.Kg2Qf750.Qc3+Nf651.Qe5Qb752.Kh3e353.f3Qxf354.Qe7+Kh655.Qf8+Kh556.Qxf6Qh1#0-1 Black wins.0-1