[Event "Rated Classical game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/WnGvBTYe"]
[Date "2021.04.03"]
[White "hakujin77"]
[Black "JRWright"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1290"]
[BlackElo "1703"]
[TimeControl "3600+10"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[ECO "D15"]
[Opening "Slav Defense: Alekhine Variation"]
[Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/axel_muller"]
[StudyName "Petrosian Open Round 1"]
[ChapterName "hakujin77 - JRWright"]
[Source "https://lichess.org/study/rNHKpY1M/kpzkGxwv"]
[Orientation "black"]
1. d4 { [%clk 1:00:00] } 1... d5 { [%clk 1:00:00] } 2. Nf3 { [%clk 1:00:02] } 2... Nf6 { [%clk 1:00:03] } 3. c4 { [%clk 1:00:02] } 3... c6 { [%clk 1:00:07] } 4. Nc3 { [%clk 1:00:00] } 4... dxc4 { [%clk 1:00:05] } 5. e3 { [%clk 0:59:50] } (5. a4 { The most common move here. White invests some time to prevent b5. But black gets the b4 square in return. The latter justifies black's last move. }) 5... b5 { Now it's difficult for white to recover the pawn. Dynamic play to prove compensation is now required. } { [%clk 0:59:38] } 6. Qc2?! { In this type of position white often gives up all hope of recovering the pawn and tries to open up the game for his more active pieces with b3. If black takes it's better not to have spent an extra tempo on Qd1-c2. } { [%clk 0:58:25] } (6. a4 b4 7. Nb1 { is one way to play this position. Black is fine here. But then again, the Slav is a solid defense and black tends to be fine no matter what white tries. }) 6... Bb7 { [%clk 0:56:51] } 7. Be2 { [%clk 0:58:02] } 7... e6 { [%clk 0:56:53] } 8. a3 { [%clk 0:57:57] } 8... Be7 { Black completes his development and enjoys an extra pawn. } { [%clk 0:56:34] } 9. O-O { [%clk 0:57:53] } 9... Nbd7 { [%clk 0:55:55] } 10. b3 { Generally, that is the way to go for white, but he should have tried breaking up black's queen side earlier. } { [%clk 0:57:51] } 10... cxb3 { [%clk 0:55:43] } 11. Qxb3 { [%clk 0:57:47] } 11... O-O { [%clk 0:55:45] } 12. Bb2 { [%clk 0:56:16] } 12... a6 { [%clk 0:55:47] } 13. Rac1 { [%clk 0:54:44] } 13... c5 { White is in trouble now as black's pieces spring to life. } { [%clk 0:55:30] } 14. dxc5 { [%clk 0:52:47] } 14... Nxc5 { [%clk 0:55:34] } 15. Qc2 { [%clk 0:52:55] } 15... Rc8 { [%clk 0:55:35] } 16. Rfd1 { [%clk 0:52:37] } 16... Qb6 { [%clk 0:55:03] } 17. Ne5 { [%clk 0:51:56] } 17... Na4 { [%clk 0:51:23] } 18. Nd7 { [%clk 0:50:48] } 18... Nxd7 { [%clk 0:51:08] } 19. Rxd7 { [%clk 0:50:55] } 19... Qc6 { [%clk 0:49:58] } 20. Rxb7 { [%clk 0:50:58] } 20... Qxb7 { [%clk 0:50:02] } 21. Bf3 { [%clk 0:50:57] } 21... Qc7 { [%clk 0:50:03] } 22. Qb3 { [%clk 0:50:03] } 22... Nxb2 { [%clk 0:49:56] } 23. Qxb2 { [%clk 0:50:02] } 23... Bf6 { [%clk 0:50:01] } 24. g3 { [%clk 0:48:14] } 24... Bxc3 { [%clk 0:50:06] } 25. Qb1 { [%clk 0:48:13] } 25... Qe5 { [%clk 0:49:53] } 26. Be4 { [%clk 0:48:10] } 26... h6 { [%clk 0:48:31] } 27. Kg2 { [%clk 0:46:47] } 27... Bb2 { [%clk 0:47:12] } 28. f4 { [%clk 0:44:34] } 28... Rxc1 { 0-1 White resigns. } { [%clk 0:45:01] } 29. fxe5 0-1