[Event "2021 Fall Swiss"] [Site "Grand Rapids Chess Center"] [Date "2021-10-05"] [Round "1"] [White "Parm, Gavin"] [Black "Smith, R. Daniel"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "328"] [BlackElo "472"] [TimeControl "G/55;d5"] [Termination "normal"] [Board "3"] [Annotator "Smith, R. Daniel & Lichess"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "C56"] [Opening "Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Open Variation"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/plox69JT/VTb9y2iy"] [Orientation "black"] 1. e4 { [%eval 0.14] } 1... e5 { [%eval 0.12] } 2. Nf3 { [%eval 0.17] } 2... Nc6 { [%eval 0.12] } 3. Bc4 { [%eval 0.13] } 3... Nf6 { [%eval 0.29] } 4. d4 { [%eval 0.0] } 4... d5? { [%eval 1.28] } { Mistake. exd4 was best. } (4... exd4 5. e5 d5 6. Bb5 Ne4 7. Nxd4 Bd7 8. Bxc6 bxc6 9. O-O) 5. exd5 { [%eval 1.42] } 5... Nxd5 { [%eval 1.16] } 6. dxe5 { [%eval 0.97] } 6... Be6 { [%eval 0.89] } 7. O-O { [%eval 0.88] } 7... g6? { [%eval 2.55] } { Mistake. Ne3 was best. } (7... Ne3 8. Bxe3 Bxc4 9. Re1 Qxd1 10. Rxd1 Be2 11. Rd5 Bc4 12. Rd2) 8. Bg5 { [%eval 2.85] } 8... Be7 { [%eval 2.49] } 9. Bxe7 { [%eval 2.64] } 9... Ndxe7 { [%eval 3.04] } 10. Bxe6 { [%eval 2.9] } { Expected } (10. Qxd8+ Rxd8) 10... fxe6 { [%eval 3.07] } 11. Nc3 { [%eval 3.11] } 11... Qd7?! { [%eval 4.4] } { Inaccuracy. Qxd1 was best. } { I had been waiting for White to initiate a queen trade; my a8 rook could then control the d file, and I would castle kingside. After having to move my f pawn, I thought perhaps it would be better to castle queenside. I did anticipate that White might choose this moment to finally trade queens, which would ruin my castling plans, but I figured on being able to "castle manually" after Kxd7. } (11... Qxd1 12. Raxd1) 12. Qxd7+ { [%eval 4.06] } 12... Kxd7 { [%eval 4.87] } 13. Rad1+ { [%eval 4.28] } 13... Ke8?! { [%eval 5.98] } { Inaccuracy. Kc8 was best. } (13... Kc8) 14. Rfe1? { [%eval 3.35] } { Mistake. Ng5 was best. } (14. Ng5 Nd5) 14... h6 { [%eval 3.29] } 15. Nb5 { [%eval 3.33] } 15... Rc8 { [%eval 3.27] } 16. Nfd4?! { [%eval 2.48] } { Inaccuracy. h4 was best. } (16. h4 Rf8) 16... Nxd4 { [%eval 3.02] } 17. Rxd4 { [%eval 2.75] } 17... Nc6 { [%eval 2.69] } 18. Rf4 { [%eval 2.18] } 18... g5 { [%eval 1.98] } 19. Rf6?! { [%eval 1.33] } { Inaccuracy. Rc4 was best. } (19. Rc4 Ke7 20. c3 a5 21. Nd4 Nxd4 22. Rxd4 Rcd8 23. Red1 Rxd4 24. Rxd4 Rf8 25. f3 Rf5) 19... Ke7 { [%eval 1.34] } 20. g3?? { [%eval -5.18] } { Blunder. f4 was best. } (20. f4 gxf4) 20... a6?? { [%eval 0.21] } { Blunder. Nxe5 was best. } (20... Nxe5 21. Rxe5 Kxf6 22. Re4 Rhd8 23. Nxa7 Rd1+ 24. Kg2 Rf8 25. Nb5 Rd2 26. Nxc7 Ke7 27. Nxe6) 21. Nd4?? { [%eval -6.77] } { Blunder. Nc3 was best. } (21. Nc3 Nxe5 22. Nd5+ exd5 23. Rf5 Kd6 24. Rfxe5 Kc5 25. R1e4 c6 26. Kg2 Rcf8 27. h4 Kd6) 21... Nxd4 { [%eval -6.49] } 22. f4 { [%eval -7.91] } 22... Nf3+ { [%eval -8.06] } { White resigns. I had seen this fork after my last move, but I would have had to first distract the f6 rook; I might have moved one of my rooks to f8, or perhaps I could have advanced the g pawn in hopes of trading my knight for White's f6 rook. However, 22. f4 blocked the rook and made the fork possible immediately. } 0-1