1.e4e52.Nf3Nc63.Bc4Bc54.b4Bxb45.c3Ba56.O-OQf67.d4Nge78.Bg5Qd69.Qb3O-O10.Rd1Bb611.Bf1...11.Na3was Carlsen's choice.11....exd412.cxd4Ng613.Nc3Nxd4Black's last move, and White's response, were both played instantly. But now, Nakamura slows down, taking two minutes before the temporary Exchange sac. Why? First, it's not like 14. Nxd4 is bad, so he's making sure he is not taking unnecessary risk. But, second, it's likely that he had somewhat assumed that his d4-pawn was "untouchable" given the tactical problems Black was going to face. In other words, Amin is about to face Nakamura's two most terrifying assets (calculation + intuition) in tandem.14.Rxd4...14.Nxd4Bxd415.Nb5Qc516.Rxd4Qxg517.Nxc7Rb818.Nb5d6and Black is up a pawn, and certainly no worse.14....Bxd415.Nb5Bxa115...Bxf2+16.Kxf2Qb6+17.Be3Qa5leaves Black ahead materially, with three pawns and a rook for the two minor pieces. But those pieces are so behind in development!18.Rc1White is having all the fun. It's lines like this that really show Nakamura's strength, as he is able to intuit the superiority of his pieces without having to calculate everything fully.16.Nxd6cxd6On paper, Black has gained more than enough material for the queen, but, again, what's that material doing?17.h4d518.Qd1Bb219.Qb3Ba120.Qb1Bc321.Qc1d422.h5Nh823.e5...23.Bf6!!is the engine's very cruel improvement.Re824.Qg5Ng625.hxg6hxg626.Bxd4+−when Black is no further along in development but no longer has a material advantage to hide behind, either.23....Re824.Bf6...There it is!24....h625.Qf4Bb426.Bd3d527.Bxg7Kxg728.Qf6+1-0 White wins.1-0