[Event "Pavlodar Puzzles: supermariodude (2459) - dotaislife (2674)"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/mEiL7ajS/4so5N67u"] [Result "*"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "?"] [Opening "?"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/Konstantinos07"] [FEN "r4rk1/4bppp/3ppn2/1N6/4PP2/1P6/PB3RPP/4R1K1 b - - 0 19"] [SetUp "1"] [UTCDate "2023.10.11"] [UTCTime "13:37:26"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/mEiL7ajS/4so5N67u"] [Orientation "white"] [ChapterMode "gamebook"] 19... Rxa2 { In this endgame position, white was a pawn up but with equal chances for the players. However, black rushes to take the a2 pawn. Is there a downside to this move, or white simply loses a pawn? } 20. Bxf6 { Correct! You capture the opponent's knight while opening up your rook on the 2nd rank } { [%cal Gf2a2] } 20... Rxf2 21. Bxe7 { Both black rooks are hanging, and white will inevitably be a piece up. } (21. Kxf2 { Black will capture the bishop on f3, with equal material. }) *